Hello and welcome to my little corner of the Internet.
I started At Home Beauty to help busy women, just like me, to take better care of themselves in all areas of self-care from the comfort of their own homes.
I know what it’s like to be so busy with looking after kids, working a 9-5 job and trying to keep the house in some kind of order that you forget to look after yourself properly!
Even if you’re busy in other ways, or you feel that you’re just not putting yourself as no.#1 priority in your life, then it’s time to change this starting from today.
Are You Your No.#1 Priority?
I used to think that making myself as my no.#1 priority was selfish and I put myself back to priority no.#5 for many years behind my two sons, my husband and my home.
But now that my two sons are teenagers and pretty much look after themselves, I now have much more time to focus on myself and I’ve realized that I had been neglecting myself and my health for years.
This should never have been the case.
If you put yourself as no.#1 priority, even when you’re too busy with ‘life’, you’re going to function so much better in many different ways:
- You’ll look and feel so much better, and consequently
- Have higher self-love, self-esteem and confidence
- Be a stronger person in general and be able to cope with all things that ‘life’ throws at you
- Be a happier and more relaxed person to be around
- Have more patience with your kids or any difficult people in your life
You’ll gain all of that just by taking care of yourself properly!
If you don’t resonate with all of the above five points, then let’s go on this journey of self-care and making ourselves priority no.#1 together!
This is the reason why I started this blogĀ – to make self-care a priority for me, and to help you make self-care a priority in your life too!
Make You a No.#1 Priority in Your Life!
… because you’re worth it!
How At Home Beauty Can Help You
These are the areas what I blog about and as you can see, they cover all things self-care:
Beauty: Learn about skin care, hair & nails care and makeup tips and product recommendations.
Fitness: Find out about all the different kinds of exercises and fitness tips that you can do easily at home.
Lifestyle: Fuel yourself with healthy food & drinks and make your home a safe & healthy environment.